Jack Sheehan


Course: Creative Digital Media

Year of study: 4th year

College: Cork Institute of Technology

Business name: Backstab

Sector: Boardgame

Business idea: Backstab is a digital, boardgame hybrid. The board game pieces and playing cards are embedded with RFID tags, these tags allow players to control a video game story by playing a traditional boardgame.

Plans for September 2020

I plan on continuing to work on the product with my team and have the product ready for sale in early 2021.

Student Inc. Programme Highlights:

Meeting the other participants every day and being able to work together and brainstorm solutions to problems was an amazing experience. The Lunch and Learns with local Entrepreneurs were also very insightful as we got speak to experienced business people and hear their stories of how they found their success. Lastly having the opportunity to practice my presentation skills culminating in presenting to angel investors.

Any previous entrepreneurship experience before you joined Student Inc.?

No, I had no prior experience as an entrepreneur before joining Student Inc this year.

What connections did you make on the programme?

Over the course of the summer I’ve met many like-minded students with the same passion for their businesses that I have for our own. Student Inc put us in contact with other boardgame designers like Jack Murphy of Heel Turn Games. Also as mentioned meeting the various Entrepreneurs at the Lunch and Learns was incredible.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of applying to Student Inc.?

Firstly, identify the value of your business and what you do differently to others and find the most effective way to communicate that to others. Recognise the partners and key activities you’ll need to make the business a reality and don’t be afraid to change or pivot details in the business if necessary (e.g. if the market changes). Most importantly, though there are bound to be numerous challenges along the way, have faith in both
yourself and your idea and you’ll find success.

What was your greatest learning from the programme?

I learned a lot about starting a business through
this programme but the most valuable learning outcome to me was developing my
presentation and pitching skills and finding out how best to communicate the
business to people. 

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