Robyn Jones
Póg Mo Fón

Course: Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Year of study: 4th year
College: University College Cork
Business name: Póg Mo Fón
Sector: Education
Business idea: An app that helps Leaving Cert students revise for their Irish Oral Exam.
Plans for September 2020
Launch my App and work on increasing reach and downloads through marketing.
Student Inc. Programme Highlights:
The fact that the programme was completely transferrable from an in person to a completely online programme. I became close with many people who I have yet to even meet in person!
Any previous entrepreneurship experience before you joined Student Inc.?
Yes, my business was originally set up in 2014, but when I sat my own leaving cert and went to UCC, that took over and I was too busy to continue the business.
What connections did you make on the programme?
A group of young likeminded individuals. As well as this I have learnt so much from seminars with successful entrepreneurs and business experts in different fields. The advice they have shared and the connection I have made with them will be invaluable into the future.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of applying to Student Inc.?
This programme gives you as a student a fantastic opportunity to work on an idea that you might have. Being able to work full time and gain experience through industry experts and lecturers was very helpful in guiding your business in the right direction. For me, I have finally been able to get rid of that ‘what if I made it happen’ association with a
business idea I have had for quite some time and will never have to live with the regret of not giving it a shot. The best thing this programme offers is the opportunity to work on your business full time and have a huge list of connections that will help you throughout the process. If you are a student with a great idea, you have nothing to lose and this programme will help turn that idea into something that has the potential to be very successful.
What was your greatest learning from the programme?
Successful companies don’t just happen overnight. Everyone has to start somewhere and the bounds of success are based on the time and passion you put into an idea.